Author name: Laurianne


We need you to tell us about your needs and the community’s existing resources. We would like to plan the space based on your interests and needs. This step is essential for the project because it will help us confirm the support of our financial partners. Wood or welding workshop? Screen printing or sewing class?

SURVEY Read More »


This is great news for the Montreal makers community! After more than two years of gestation, we have signed our lease for the coming years. LESPACEMAKER will be located at 2875 Hochelaga in Centre-Sud, a stone’s throw from the Préfontaine metro station. This first phase of the project guarantees us a space of 15,000 square feet inside


De’lloween Party

La nuit du 27 octobre, LESPACEMAKER vous présentera la première édition de son pas encore célèbre événement «De’lloween» À l’affiche : un Labyrinthe satiro-horrifiant étendu sur 11 000 pi2, trois ambiances musicales [Techno, Groovy, Live], un Cinédôme d’horreur érotico-surréaliste et au moins une boîte à clown chantant.

De’lloween Party Read More »


LESPACEMAKER communication committee invites you to a get-together BBQ to discuss identity and values of the project. During the evening, we will discuss the needs, ambitions, and wishes of everyone. LOCATION: Place Charles-de-Gaulle at Lafontaine Park (around 1500 Sherbrooke Street East), 6 p.m.

BBQ’potluck Read More »

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