Changes in the LESPACEMAKER Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting held on April 5th marked the end of the mandate of the 2022 Board of Directors. The Board would like to congratulate Camille Blais who was elected by the assembly. Her positive energy, her involvement and her sensitivity to the reality of women in the maker movement are assets that will be very valuable to the new board.
Let’s also mention the re-elections of Érik Jenkevice and Alaric Bergeron who are undertaking a two-year mandate.
The Board would like to acknowledge the end of the mandate of Richard Lussier who had been appointed for one year to fill a vacant seat. The Board would like to thank Richard for his involvement and hard work, particularly in the recognition of volunteer members, which culminated in the adoption of a change to our general by-laws that recognizes the undeniable contribution of volunteer members to the maintenance and growth of our beautiful project.
In closing, the Board would like to thank Geneviève Thériault who has been an appointed member of the Board since the beginning of the project. Trained as a lawyer, Geneviève was the legal expert of the Board of Directors and her contribution to the different phases of the project’s development would be difficult to quantify… Let’s just say that her passion, her expertise, her dynamism and her great organizational intelligence were at the heart of all the phases of LESPACEMAKER’s creation and allowed the different Boards of Directors of which she was a member to confidently move forward on the legal side of sound management.
Geneviève had made inclusion at LESPACEMAKER her main concern and although the Board of Directors has always had this issue at heart, Geneviève emphasized upon leaving that more concrete actions are needed to achieve our goals. Her last action on this matter was to raise our awareness of the work that remains to be done and the Board of Directors is getting down to work this week to give this issue the importance it deserves and find concrete ways to establish a healthy climate of respect and inclusion of diversity at LESPACEMAKER.
Don’t forget that you can always communicate your ideas, dissatisfactions, suggestions, questions or complaints to the email address CA@lespacemaker.